The Zebra Heliconian (Heliconius charithonia) is a medium sized butterfly, with elongated black wings with bold white stripes. It ranges from through parts of the Southern U.S., from Arizona through Texas and Oklahoma to Florida. It also found from Mexico to Ecuador and some of the Caribbean islands. The Zebra inhabits woodland clearings and moist wood edges.
It is also known as the Zebra Longwing butterfly.
Wing spread: 3.0" - 3.5"
Host Plants: Passion flowers
Stage | Typical Duration |
Egg stage | 4 to 8 days |
Caterpillar (larval) stage | 2 to 3 weeks |
Chrysalis (pupal) stage | 5 to 10 days |
Adult butterfly stage | 1 to 5 months |
Zebra Heliconian at Mitchell Lake Audubon Center in San Antonio, Texas |
Photo by and courtesy of David B. Sweidel |
Zebra Heliconian Butterfly feeding on Lantana near Tyler in East Texas
Zebra Heliconian Butterfly (dorsal view) |
Zebra Heliconian Butterfly (ventral view) |